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sind ausschliesslich für das ->PHP Fusion v7.02.07 INOFFIZELLE DE Update:1.3 bis 1.6 <-CMS Geeignet.Inoffizielle PHP Fusion V7.02.07 Updatepack 1.6 hier zum HerunterladenWichtig: Bei Modifikationen bitte vorher ein Backup erstellen eurer Orginaldatei. INFO PREMIUM HINWEISDownloads die Angemeldet werden und brauchen eine Anmeldung auch Premium!!! Am besten die Infusion direkt nach dem download installieren und Anmelden (Readme lesen) oder nehmt euch ein längeres Premium Paket! Sollten Probleme sein, bitte dann direkt im Forum melden!
21Matze |
02.10.2018 22:10 |
AGPL 3 |  |
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2.01 |
7.4 |  |
Download Richlinien | CMS Infoformation: PHP Fusion V7 IUP V 1.7 |
Info: |
Wichtig ist nur für PHP-Fusion CMS angepasst.
A simple JavaScript and Ajax Rating system that gives users the ability to rate forum posts (Thanks, Very Good, Good Idea, disagree, Like, dislike etc.).
Users rate posts by clicking a small graphic representing what they think of the users post (Thanks, Very Good, Good Idea, disagree, Like, dislike etc.).
When a post has been rated the small graphic will appear on the bottom left of the post, click or move your mouse over the icon and a box over will appear with the info.
All Ratings Users received ratings are displayed in their profile and on a page. Given ratings can be undone, an option to receive an email notification everytime your posts are rated.
Output Replacement Panel so no need to edit any core files.
Infusion Admin Area for creating ratings and adjusting settings
Uses Ajax, Jquery and CSS3
User field for users recieved ratings
A page to show users recieved ratings
Given ratings can be undone if a mistake
Option to receive an email notification everytime your posts are rated
Deutsche sprachen angepasst |
O/S: Fusionv7
- Copyright: © Fangree Productions
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, 19. September 2021 - 14:28:50
, 19. September 2021 - 14:55:01